Choose your pricing plan

CPR 6 week Challenge


Perfect for stressed or overwhelmed leaders looking to find more balance at work and life.

Valid for 6 weeks.

  • Six 1 on 1 weekly calls

  • 24/7 coach access

  • Templates and Resources

  • Set boundaries, define your success, lose the guilt



Looking for support that works with your schedule. Find more balance at work and life. Develop self awareness.

Valid for 6 weeks.

  • 2 calls per month

  • 24/7 coach access

  • Templates and Resources

  • Set boundaries, define your success, raise your EQ

Freedom to Thrive


Perfect if you are ready to break that cycle of overwhelm, guilt, perfectionism, or people pleasing.

Valid for 6 months

  • 6 months of 1 on 1 coaching

  • 24/7 coach access

  • 6 week Positive Intelligence Program (value $997)

  • Resources, tools and templates

  • Free Facebook Group Community and Support

Contact Me

Tel: 704-300-5789

Email: [email protected]
Spartanburg, SC

Copyright © 2024 Brain Body and Business. All rights reserved.

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